Arboreal vegetation of the Cerro Tres Puntas de Pilasca, (Salas-Motupe), Lambayeque, Perú

Translated title of the contribution: Arboreal vegetation of the Cerro Tres Puntas de Pilasca, (Salas-Motupe), Lambayeque, Perú

Guillermo E. Delgado-Paredes, Cecilia Vásquez-Díaz, Fernando Tesén-Núñez, Boris Esquerre-Ibañez, Felipe Zuñe Da-Silva, Consuelo Rojas-Idrogo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


From March to June, 2018 the seasonally dry forest Cerro Tres Puntas of Pilasca (Salas-Motupe, Lambayeque, Perú) was studied, in order to obtain information on its structure and its floristic composition. In a linear transect, about 11.4 ha, specimens of woody plants with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm were assessed. 410 individuals representing 17 species, 17 genera and 10 families were recorded. The most abundant species were Vachellia macracantha (Fabaceae 154 individuals) and Celtis iguanaea (Cannabaceae 55 individuals). The families with the highest number of species were Fabaceae (7) and Malvaceae (2). The basimetric area was 343.86 m2 ha-1 highlighting Ficus obtusifolia with 139.23 m2 ha-1 and Beilschmiedia sulcata with 120.90 m2 ha-1. The Importance Value Index for the species reached the main values in F. obtusifolia (49.34), V. macracantha (46.75) and B. sulcata (41.57), while the Family Value Index was widely higher in the Fabaceae family (111.86). While these results show that this forest is a precarious version of the region’s, F. obtusifolia individuals between 35-39.9 m high and 210-219.9 cm DBH were found. This study will help to accomplish an efficient conservation and reforestation program in order to improve the Cerro Tres Puntas forest, located in one of the poorest areas of the nation.

Translated title of the contributionArboreal vegetation of the Cerro Tres Puntas de Pilasca, (Salas-Motupe), Lambayeque, Perú
Original languageEnglish
JournalRevista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales
Issue number58
StatePublished - Mar 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research. All Rights Reserved.


  • Basimetic area
  • Lambayeque
  • diametric distribution
  • floristic diversity
  • floristic structure
  • seasonally dry forest


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